How To Last Longer In Bed (Step-By-Step Method)

The men's health coach, Jack Grave, has just posted a free video on his website that

explains exactly how ANY man can last longer (over 35 minutes!) in bed.

Obviously I don't normally share every video I come across on the net, but this blew my


He breaks down step-by-step how someone who can last even for only a couple seconds in

bed can go on to last over 35 minutes in bed.

Now these are some pretty big claims so I checked Jack Grave out and turns out he's 

100% legit.

His strategies for lasting longer make perfect sense and are based on the simple

fact that if you just make a few small  changes to what you do during sex, then you

can DRAMATICALLY increase how much longer you last.

Anyway, you can check it out for yourself for free.  It's up on his site at the moment at

Just like with most things online I don't know how much longer this video will be up for

so if you are interested in lasting longer in bed then it's probably best to go check it out


Ejaculation By Command


Lloyd Lester's "Ejaculation By Command"

A Full Product Review

There is probably nothing in the world that gives a man greater pleasure than knowing he has the ability to satisfy any woman in bed. But for many guys, sex is often a short-lived affair (even an embarrassing one) that ends as soon as the heart starts pounding and the adrenalin gets rushing. And this is where Lloyd Lester's comprehensive, step-by-step training program comes to the rescue of guys who wish to permanently turn the tables on premature ejaculation and transform their sex lives.


The Good

Ejaculation By Command is one of the most comprehensive guides written on how to naturally beat premature ejaculation (PE) through training and conditioning. It is very easy to read and describes in details, the specific tips, techniques and exercises men can do from home to last longer in bed and improve their sexual confidence. Even if you don't suffer from PE but just want to learn how to add minutes to your lovemaking, you will also find this book to be a great, practical resource. Furthermore, Lloyd doesn't just view premature ejaculation in isolation. He takes a holistic view of the problem and provides great tips to enhance female arousal and bring a woman to an orgasm (even if you're prone to be "too quick on the draw").

The Bad

The wealth of information may seem overwhelming at first and you may have the initial tendency to want to jump straight into the "techniques" modules. But it is important to pay close attention to the fundamental modules of understanding the truths about premature ejaculation and male sexuality. Once you have a firm grasp of the basics, getting through the strategies and techniques becomes much easier.

Also, because this guide contains a ton of practical tips and suggestions to lasting longer, men who have been actively searching for a natural solution to their PE problem may find a few of the tips familiar. However, Lloyd does a good job of putting everything together, making this guide a neat, one-stop resource for lasting longer in the sack.

The Bottom Line

All in all, the book offers very solid and practical information - and is arguably one of the most complete, step-by-step systems to unlock your full endurance in bed. If you are ready to become the kind of superb lover who has the natural ability to hold his ejaculation almost by command and keep his woman sexually fulfilled, this book offers plenty of ideas and suggestions to make your sex life extraordinary.


At first glance, you'll quickly realize the amazing wealth of information contained within the book. It starts off with the fundamentals, which really makes sense if you really want to get your premature ejaculation problem sorted out permanently.

Here you'll discover the reasons why sex is often a short-lived, embarrassing affair for most men… and the myths, misconceptions and lies that unfortunately cloud the issue and make it much harder for men to break free from PE and carve out a new, more confident and long lasting sexual performance.

The second part of the book is where the rubber hits the road. Here Lloyd gives you all the tools and knowledge you need to begin re-training and re-wiring your mind and body so that you can revel in longer lasting sex, and at the same time, give your partner an erotic experience she never thought was possible. The techniques are totally natural and easy to do - you don't need any expensive pills, creams, lotions or other alternatives that are simply "stop gap" measures to lasting longer.

PRACTICE is the key here. Sexual stamina, like any self improvement endeavor (endurance running, gaining six-pack abs, shedding pounds, etc), can be improved with the right training and conditioning methods.

One of the things that separate Ejaculation By Command from the litany of ebooks on the same subject is this:

While it acknowledges that learning techniques to last longer is important, Lloyd also recognizes that it is crucial to master one's "inner mind" during sex and gain the SEXUAL CONFIDENCE to lower a women's threshold for an orgasm.

And one of the best ways to build sexual confidence is by building sexual COMPETENCE. And that is why Lloyd devotes an entire chapter on enhancing sexual competency, as well as offering two bonus ebooks on sex tips and mastering female orgasms, that gives you a lot more "firepower" in the sack.

Guys are who looking for an "overnight" solution to permanently boost their sexual stamina, be warned. The techniques that Lloyd teaches in his book are long-term, permanent solutions to PE. Thus they require some time, effort and commitment on your part to put them into PRACTICE. But like any self-improvement endeavor that is worth undertaking, this is something that should be expected.

That said, Lloyd more than makes up for it by including an exclusive bonus book where he reveals 15 tried-and-tested "emergency tactics" you can use right away to put up a decent performance in bed. These will certainly come in handy if you need some "instant firepower" tonight.

One thing great about this book and what makes it stand out from the veritable avalanche of resources on premature ejaculation... the two-pronged approach of helping the average man improve his sexual endurance, AND fulfilling a woman's deepest sexual desires at the same time.

And that's what makes this book so special.

The bottom line is this... premature ejaculation need NOT become a permanent fixture in your sex life. As a matter of fact, the FASTER you fix it... the happier you are going to be (and your partner too!)

And when you are ready, Ejaculation By Command could completely turn your sex life around and reverse a lifetime of embarrassment.

Along with the Ejaculation By Command book, Lloyd also offers really great value with 8 powerful bonuses at no extra cost:

Exclusive Companion Audio Edition

The entire Ejaculation By Command program is also available in 14 professionally-produced audio training tutorials. This is especially useful if you prefer to listen in to the training via your favorite MP3 player. A nice addition to a great product.

Emergency Tactics To Last Longer

As many of the techniques and exercises in the main program require time to show results, Lloyd gives some great tips for men who wish to have decent stamina at a moment's notice. There are 15 well-tested techniques you can put to use right away to keep your early ejaculation in check.

Quick-Start Guide

This handy companion guide puts everything nicely together to help ease you through the tips, tricks and techniques explained in the core program.

Premium Lifetime Updates

Lloyd recognizes that there is always room for improvement and he regularly updates his training materials. Thus you can be assured of free premium access to the latest updates and enhancements to his training.

Priority 1-On-1 Email Support

Very few products in the premature ejaculation market offer a one-on-one support. But here Lloyd has up the ante by giving customers access to his private email address where they can ask any questions related to the program, any time. Lloyd takes care of his customers very well and you will get a very timely response in 24 hours or less - guaranteed.

Advanced Sexual Mastery Series

Lasting longer in bed goes beyond just learning specific techniques to build sexual stamina. Sexual competence breeds sexual confidence, and that is key to developing superior endurance. And one of the best ways to improve sexual competency is by learning how to give women an erotically fulfilling experience in bed, even if you are a "quick shooter" to begin with. Lloyd gives away three exclusive bonuses in this sexual competency series that will make any woman curl her toes in ecstasy:

-  Raunchy Sex Secrets: Transforming Your Sex Life In Wickedly Sensuous Ways

-  Female Orgasm Secrets: How To Give Women Insanely Powerful Orgasms

-  How To Stimulate The G-Spot & Give Any Woman Intense, Full-Body Squirting Orgasms (video demonstrations by Jason Julius, a female orgasm expert and a good friend of Lloyd) 

All in all, Ejaculation By Command offers very solid and practical information - and is arguably the most complete system to beat premature ejaculation. If you want to be the kind of superb lover who has the natural ability to hold his ejaculation almost by command and keep his woman sexually fulfilled all the time, then this book is exactly what you need.

For more information on how you can last longer and supercharge your sex life, 

go here:click here

Premature Ejaculation Exercise

Premature ejaculation exercises can be a highly effective preventative cure for premature ejaculation, especially when they are done as part of a balanced, overall program that includes mental discipline along with healthy diet. But before I get into that, a little "big picture" perspective might help out a lot of guys reading this, especially the younger ones.

To be honest, when I was a teenager and just discovering sex, I had virtually no clue about how my body achieved ejaculation. I mean, at that age, a large percentage of my "thoughts" originated with my penis - figuratively speaking. Funny thing is, as important as that favorite part of our anatomy is to sexual act - it really is not the most important organ involved in ejaculation (or premature ejaculation for that matter). I know, sounds kind of hard to believe, but stay with me for a second.

Most of us think that the pleasure in sex, for guys, lies in the penis. To some extent this is true. But the fact is, orgasm occurs when the prostate gland, along with related glands and muscles, contract and expel the accumulated semen.

Therefore, that intense, pleasurable feeling that occurs at ejaculation originates more in the prostate than in the penis. The muscle involved is called the PC, or pubococcygeus muscle - and being aware of it, and how to control it, is the whole basis for doing premature ejaculation exercises.

Premature Ejaculation Exercise
The easiest and most direct way of exercising the pubococcygeus muscle is by doing kegel exercises. Let me share this mystical, magical premature ejaculation exercise secret with you right now. Are you ready? Here it is:

Every time you go pee, or a few times a day, intentionally stop the flow of urination for a few seconds. Then start peeing again. Then stop. Keep this up until you run out of pee. Do this a few times a day, or every time you pee. Stay with these exercises for at least 30 days to really see results.

Pretty simple right? It's also a key exercise for premature ejaculation. If you put in the effort and stay with it, you'll be surprised at how much it can help you last longer in bed.

If you are sick and tired of premature ejaculation, and want to finally get rid of this embarrassing problem without using weird drugs, or funky smelling creams or sprays, then you're in luck. A lot of guys think that premature ejaculation is some kind of huge, insurmountable issue that they just have to live with.

The fact is, it's only as huge as we make it, because most of the problem is mental. In other words, premature ejaculation is exactly as difficult as we think it is - or is not. Sometimes, when we are trying to cure ourselves of premature ejaculation, we think about it way too much in the process, and that just makes it worse instead of better.

Not to blow smoke here. As they say, with anything in life worth having, you have to be willing to work for it. Curing your premature ejaculation absolutely can be done, realistically, no matter how hard you find that to believe. BUT, it will take a little bit of discipline, maybe some changes in habits (both mental and physical) along with some practice. The key is to take it seriously, and stick with it.

Premature Ejaculation Help

Are your efforts to strengthening your PC muscles not showing the results you expected? Then, here is a piece of premature ejaculation help that you should know upfront: It's not the PC exercises in itself, but something you're doing wrong. PC exercises are a surefire, proven tool that if used correctly, will help you overcome premature ejaculation. So keep reading.

As you probably know, PC exercises target the PC muscle, where PC stands for PuboCoccygeus, a set of muscles that run from the pubic bone to the tailbone. It's the group of muscles you use to stop the flow of urine from the bladder, and, maybe more importantly for our case, control the ejaculatory mechanism. If properly trained, PC muscles are the premature ejaculation help that will make you last longer in bed.

Premature ejaculation help: Strong PC muscles bring real benefits
To start with, your orgasm will last longer; actually you could reach a stage in which achieving an orgasm without ejaculating could be normal. You ejaculate on demand.

Besides, you'll experience more intense climax and sexual experiences overall.
As usual, healthy muscles bring unexpected rewards. For example, a strong PC muscle will be good for your bladder, granting you with better control of the urination schedule. It's one of the best premature ejaculation help you can take.
Win-win situation, if you ask me.

Premature ejaculation help: Beware these mistakes
How do you if you are on the right track? Check out the 3 most common mistakes made while starting a PC routine:

Mistake #1: You're doing too many reps - Your enthusiasm is hitting the roof, so you spend not 15 minutes, but 2 hours a day flexing your PC muscle. Wrong! A muscle is a muscle and it can get sore like any other. Go slow, 3 sets of 3-5 minutes each is more than enough.

Mistake #2: You're not isolating the PC. You might be flexing each and every muscle in your pubic area...except the PC. Yes, for a newbie it's a real challenge to find it. How do you find it? Here is your premature ejaculation help: Put two fingers behind your testicles and pretend you are peeing. Now stop it. Did you feel a contraction? That's the PC muscle. If you find it impossible to locate, exhaust the surrounding muscles first (abs, buttock, thigh and groin muscles) and then resume your PC routine.

Mistake #3: Drop out too soon - PC muscles respond quickly to training. You'll see results in 3 weeks and maybe less. However, some guys expect results overnight and that's impossible, so they quit. Be patience and good things will happen to you.

Mistake #4: Using the PC as the one and only treatment - Some guys do strengthen the PC muscle, but never fit the new skill in a more comprehensive strategy; PC muscles don't work in isolation. Their real value come when they are used harmonically with other techniques such as arousal awareness, relaxation and some more.

That's it, that's the 4 most common mistakes in a PC muscle routine. Don't overdo it, learn to isolate it, be patient, and integrate your stronger PC muscle with other techniques. You'll see amazing results in 3 weeks or less. You'll last longer in bed, and your orgasm will be much more intense. That's your premature ejaculation help of the day.

This bit of premature ejaculation help shows 4 things to avoid in your premature ejaculation exercises.

How To Cure Premature Ejaculation

What is PE And What Can I Do About It If I Have It?!

If you're reading this, you probably suffer from premature ejaculation (PE). If you take a couple of minutes to read this text, you can change your sex life forever. As soon as you finish reading this article, take additional action to fight this problem! Don't let this opportunity slip away. Some reading can make a difference between being a premature ejaculator and enjoying a healthy sex life. Believe me! You will be happy you did the research. And, most importantly, your sexual partner will be thankful too!
Almost 75% of Men Suffer From Some Type of Premature Ejaculation.
What Defines PE?

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a condition in which a man ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like him to. Premature ejaculation is also known as rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, or early ejaculation. Masters and Johnson defines PE as the condition in which a man ejaculates before his sex partner achieves orgasm, in more than fifty percent of their sexual encounters. Other sex researchers have defined premature ejaculation as occurring if the man ejaculates within two minutes of penetration; however, a survey by Alfred Kinsey in the 1950s demonstrated that three quarters of men ejaculate within two minutes of penetration in over half of their sexual encounters. Self reported surveys report up to 75% of men ejaculate within 10 minutes of penetration. Today, most sex therapists understand premature ejaculation as occurring when a lack of ejaculatory control interferes with sexual or emotional well-being in one or both partners.

Most men experience premature ejaculation at least once in their lives. PE affects 25%-40% of men in the United States. Because there is great variability in both how long it takes men to ejaculate and how long both partners want sex to last, researchers have begun to form a quantitative definition of premature ejaculation. Current evidence supports an average intravaginal ejaculation latency time (IELT) of six and a half minutes in 18-30 year olds. If the disorder is defined as an IELT percentile below 2.5, then premature ejaculation could be suggested by an IELT of less than about 2 minutes. Nevertheless, it is well accepted that men with IELTs below 1.5 minutes could be "happy" with their performance and do not report a lack of control and therefore would not be defined as having PE. On the other hand, a man with 2 minutes IELT may have the perception of poor control over his ejaculation, distressed about his condition, has interpersonal difficulties and therefore be diagnosed with PE.

5 frequently asked questions regarding Premature Ejaculation:

1. What is the ejaculatory reflex?
The ejaculatory reflex starts in the urethra and consists of a series of involuntary contractions that force the sperm out of the seminal vesicle and out of the penis. This reflex is controlled by the Pubococcygeus (PC) muscle.

2. Is it possible to regain control over the ejaculatory reflex?
The control over the ejaculatory reflex can be completely regained in a simple manner and just as easy as any treatment to recover muscles. A precise exercise chronogram must be followed in order to achieve the correct operation of the PC muscle.

3. Even if my problem is caused by the imbalance between the serotonin and dopamine receptors, I also have to do these exercises?

Of course, apart from correcting this imbalance, if you can't recover the normal tonicity and strength of the PC muscle, you won't be able to regain control over the reflex. Regardless of the cause of the PE, strengthening the PC muscle is vital to regaining control over the reflex.
4. Where can I find a PE program nowadays?

The most modern PE programs are the natural treatments offered online. There are several online centers that offer serious and extremely effective programs, including some dedicated to treating PE Level 4.
5. Are online programs really efficient?

These programs have the ability to avoid the trauma and the anxiety caused by making an appointment with a professional, while also enjoying the benefits of a customized diagnostic and a scientific treatment.
Without a doubt, online programs are really the first line of fire against Premature Ejaculation and represent one of the fastest, most modern, and efficient therapies to solve this problem.